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Psychic Mediumship

Unlock Answers & Insights

Whether you're seeking answers, connection, or healing, through the unique gift of intuition, I can offer profound insights and heartfelt support on your spiritual journey.

Intuitive Energy Reading

An intuitive energy reading is done by connecting to and interpreting the messages of your energetic and physical bodies through the use of clairabilities (aka 6th sense). This includes information about your past, present, and future to provide clarity on the past and present while advising on how to move forward. Keep in mind that all information comes from the Spirit world and that the reader is relaying information coming from the highest good and the purest intentions. You are a sovereign being and are always in complete control of your life path. This means you have free will to act and respond in accordance to your own desires and intuition regardless of the advice you receive during our session.

Evidential Mediumship

Evidential mediumship is the practice of communicating between worlds. The medium connects to the spirit world and brings forward a message from a loved one forward. The job of the medium is to bring through information describing the personality and essence of your loved one to such a specific degree that you know without a doubt who is communicating to you from the spirit world. Once an established connection is made, any messages received from your loved one will be relayed to you. Messages are often in reference to life situations, relationship repairs, and healing so you can move forward knowing your loved ones are watching over you from across the veil.

Concrete Wall

"I've gotta tell you. When you had the intuitive message not to be hard on myself and be proud of what I am accomplishing, I felt SO WARM. I've been learning more about my HD [human design] as a manifestor and physically feel abundance more in my body. The message truly was meant for me, so thank you for your gift to me today."

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